The current resume for Doan Thiel Stafford 8721 Santa Monica Blvd, #221, Los Angeles, CA 90069 (323) 860-8842 OBJECTIVE: To make use of any combination of my special skills: * Provide training/instruction on focused Macintosh topics w/ handouts * Support Macintosh computers in a corporate or university environment * Create cross-platform (Mac and PC compatible) data and audio CDs w/ labels * Be responsible for the administrative affairs of an office or organization * Assist in creating and maintaining websites and databases EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 06/94 - Present, Co-Chair, QMUG/LA, Los Angeles Responsibilities: Maintain its website,, which I created; Maintain its membership database, which I revamped from scratch; Maintain its calendar of noteworthy local events; Regularly make hour-long presenta- tions w/ handouts, over 30 in the past six years; Represent the group in an official capacity to many other organizations, such as Apple Computer, Inc., the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, etc.; Attend Macworld Expo/SF annually; Of- fer technical assistance periodically to members via e-mail, the phone and in person. 03/99 - 03/00, Mac Tech Support, Earthlink, Pasadena Responsibilities: Set up Macintoshes, over the telephone, to get members on- line; Actively listen to members to understand why they were calling; Have a thorough understanding of and stay up-to-date on almost all versions of the Mac OS, e-mail clients, web browsers, news readers, dial-up applications, mo- dems, etc.; Process the information provided to arrive at the best solution; Communicate that solution clearly, step by step, in a friendly tone; Docu- ment what was done for future reference; Work in a high-stress fast-paced environment. 07/97 - 03/98, Business Solutions, Apple Presales Center, Burbank Responsibilities: On behalf of Apple Computer, Inc., Answer Apple presales questions; Provide product information, technical specifications, and appro- priate referrals and resources, be they other phone numbers within Apple, third-party companies, web-based, fax-back based, Apple authorized resellers, service centers or user groups; Compare and contrast various systems; Enu- merate the Macintosh's many advantages; Register people for seminars; Reaf- firm people's faith in Apple Computer; Provide "legendary" customer service. 08/95 - 03/97, Account Manager, MacMall, Torrance Responsibilities: Sell Macintosh systems, software and peripherals; Stay up-to-date on current products; Compare and contrast various hardware and software; Make recommendations upon request; Track Federal Express packages via their website; Process orders placed on MacMall's website and communi- cate with international customers via e-mail. 10/94 - 04/95, Macintosh Specialist, OfficeMax, Palm Springs Responsibilities: Maintain their Macintosh systems; Demonstrate the Macin- tosh operating system, hardware, various third-party software, networking abilities, and DOS/PC/Windows compatibility; Install new hardware and soft- ware; Troubleshoot other people's systems as requested. 10/90 - 03/92, Chair of Administrative Affairs, ULGB, UC Riverside Responsibilities: Be responsible for the Union's administrative affairs -- prepare weekly agendas, take minutes, maintain the Union's calendar, archive, and record its history; Facilitate meetings as needed; also be responsible for the Union's financial affairs -- create and present its budget requests and appeals, and be responsible for its accounts; Represent the Union in an official capacity to many other organizations and committees, such as the In- terClub Council, the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Lesbi- ans, Gays and Bisexuals, and the University of California Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Association (UCLGBA); Co-coordinate many of its campus activities such as UCLGBA's system-wide, nine-campus Fourth General Assembly, UCR's Les- bian, Gay and Bisexual Awareness Week, and University of California Student Association's Third Students of Color conference; Co-produce its half-hour radio show, "Compassion." EDUCATION: 08/90 - 06/92, University of California, Riverside MAJOR: Administrative Studies; QTR. UNITS: 24; CUM. GPA: N/A 02/89 - 06/90, Riverside Community College MAJOR: Breadth requirements; SEM. UNITS: 41; CUM. GPA: 3.13 09/87 - 05/88, University of Maryland Extension MAJOR: Breadth requirements; SEM. UNITS: 18; CUM. GPA: 3.27 09/86 - 05/87, Central Texas College Extension MAJOR: Computer Science; SEM. UNITS: 16; CUM. GPA: 3.75 References available upon request. This resume current as of Sunday, May 20th, 2001.