At our next meeting on Monday, June
9th, 1997, 7:30pm
QMUG/LA celebrates its
at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center,
1625 N Schrader
just east of Highland Ave and south of Hollywood
We'll also play a few wild rounds of
Don't Know Jack!"
by Berkeley Systems
and then sport our
The list so far
1. Global Village Stress Ball
2. Iomega
"I am Easy" big yellow button
3. After
Dark 2.0 disk
4. QMUG/LA's *3rd* Annual Absolutely Fabulous
Gay Software Disks ('96)
5. Apple
1997 Mac Advocate CD
6. Bad Mojo playable demo CD
7. "Launch" entertainment CD
8. SoftKey's One Stop 10 CD Shop
9. America
Online 3.0 for the Mac CDs, and mousepad
10. ATI mousepad
11. Quicken
7 Deluxe CD (still sealed!)
12. Claris
fanny pack
13. Claris
Impact 2.0 (still sealed!)
14. Vertigo software (for Photoshop) and
marguerita glasses
15. Adobe
PageMill 2.0 (still sealed!)
* And anything else we can get our hands on!
More stuff welcome! Any Mac users who need to clean out
their closets -- older, slower modems? software you're just not using anymore?
Windows95? whatever! -- should contact us or just show up with it!
And any businesses who would like to attract any of our
members with promotional stuff -- 10% off coupons, 2-for-1 coupons, whatever!
-- should contact us or just show up with it!
Menubar options:
QMUG/LA FAQs: Get your questions answered about QMUG/LA!
Qalendar....: Find out when and what our next meetings will be!
Quarry......: Download Gay Software! (Need we say more?)
Qonnections.: Visit our Top 10 gay, Mac and LA websites!
QORE........: Find out who is responsible for QMUG/LA!
Qudos.......: Read who has helped QMUG/LA along the way!
Menubar icons:
Apple Menu..: Get info About This Website!
Help Guide..: Get info on other gay, Mac and LA resources!
Chapter Menu: Visit other QMUG chapter sites! .