In short, this site seems to get a major refresh about every two years: you can read about the details in our revision history. For our May 2002 refresh, the ten apps I used, sort of in order of importance / appearance but not necessarily, were:Mac OS Xs 10.1 Finder, as well as the Classic Environments Mac OS 9.2.1 Finder.
iTunes 2.0 yes, the very one whos installation wiped my partitions clean Thank you, Apple! but Iz gotz to listenz to ma tunez... =)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 shows me these pages as almost all of the rest of the world sees them.
Netscape Communicator 4.6.1 prints these pages out for me for general and QORE meeting handouts.
Adobe PageMill 2.0 yes, after all these years, still Adobe PageMill 2.0... I have dutifully paid for the upgrades to PageMill 3.0, and GoLive 4.0 and 5.0, and will eventually get 6.0, but I just havent sat down and tried to figure any of them out yet.
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE is getting used more and more by me, and I should really take a class on how to use it better.
GIFConverter 2.4.4 rocks when I need to crop an image or paste a bunch together.
Kaleidoscope 2.3.1 allowed me, w/ the help of the WP AquaX 3.0.1 scheme*, and a *lot* of help from GIFConverter and Photoshop, to create qmug.orgs menubar for Mac OS X.
System Prefs temporarily changes, so many times, my desktop picture to solid light grey for screenshots. And finally,
Preview 1.1 helps me create dock items for some of our documents.
We are a Macintosh user group we love our Macs, love to use them everyday so why not apply the Macintosh user interface to our website? It makes sense; its a logical extension of who we are, what we do, why we exist. We think its the sincerest form of flattery!
What we love most about this is that people on non-Macs at work, at cybercafes, etc. can still find out about us, and have that satisfying Apple logo in their browsers!
This website is dedicated to the past and current QORE members who have given so unselfishly of themselves, to our members, and to all lesbian, gay and bisexual Macintosh users everywhere. was created and is maintained by Doan Stafford of QMUG/LA and is hosted by InterLand of Atlanta, GA.
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