*7th* Anniversary Raffle List! |
For Monday, June 11th, our current *7th* Anniversary Raffle List: >50 items!
Grand Prize:
* 1 Microsoft Office 2001 CD Set (~$449 value)
<for our Jun 01 *7th* Anniversary celebration>
Software: 5 items!* 1 Adobe GoLive 4.0 CD (~$289 value)
<from our Jan 01 Web Authoring III presentation>
* 1 Adobe PageMill 3.0 CD (~$99 value)
<from our Jan 01 Web Authoring III presentation>
* 1 Aladdin Solutions CD Set (~$69 value)
<includes DragStrip ~$19, and Spring Cleaning ~$49>
* 1 Alsoft DiskWarrior 2.1 CD (~$69 value)
<from our Nov 00 Hard Disk Utilities presentation>
* 1 Microsoft Office 98 CD Set (~$259 value)
<for our Jun 01 *7th* Anniversary celebration>
Books: 13 items!* 1 Adobe Electronic Publishing Guide
<from our Jan 01 Web Authoring III presentation> (~$28 value)
* 1 Hungry Minds Macs For Dummies, 7th Ed.
<from our Aug 00 Mac Basics presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 OReilly Crossing Platforms: A Macintosh/Windows Phrasebook
<from our May 01 Macs & PCs presentation> (~$29 value)
* 1 OReilly iMovie 2: the Missing Manual
<from our Oct 00 Digital Video Editing presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 OReilly Office 2001: the Missing Manual
<for our Jun 01 *7th* Anniversary celebration> (~$29 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press Mac OS X: Visual Quickstart Guide
<from our Dec 00 Mac OS X presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press Sad Macs, Bombs, & Other Disasters
<from our Apr 01 Conflicts, Errors & Crashes presentation> (~$34 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press The Little iBook Book
<from our Aug 00 Mac Basics presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press The Little iMac Book
<from our Aug 00 Mac Basics presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press The Little Mac Book, 7th Ed.
<from our Aug 00 Mac Basics presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press The Little Network Book for Windows and Macintosh
<from our May 01 Macs & PCs presentation> (~$19 value)
* 1 Peachpit Press The Macintosh Bible, 7th Ed.
<from our Aug 00 Mac Basics presentation> (~$34 value)
* 1 Sybex Windows as a Second Language
<from our May 01 Macs & PCs presentation> (~$49 value)Tchotchkes: >28 unique items!
* 1 Adobe black travel phone-cord (~$3 value)
* 1 Adobe red pen (~$3 value)
* 1 Adobe notebook (~$5 value)
* 1 Adobe softshell 12 CD wallet (~$5 value)* 1 Apple deck of cards (~$5 value)
* 21 Apple graphite-logoed mousepads (~$3 value)
* 1 Apple Indigo pen (~$3 value)
* 1 Apple Ruby pen (~$3 value)
* 2 Apple Sage pens (~$3 value)
* 1 Apple Mac OS X t-shirt (~$5 value)
* 1 Apple grape-logoed mousepad (~$3 value)
* 1 Apple grape-logoed mug (~$5 value)
* 1 Apple grape-logoed notebook (~$5 value)
* 2 Apple red-covered notebooks (~$10 value)
* 2 Apple red-ink pens (~$5 value)
* 1 Apple tangerine-covered notebook (~$5 value)* 1 Appoint Thumbelina (req. ADB port, ~$10 value)
* 1 Dance1 Fall Sampler audio CD (~$5 value)
* 1 Dont Panic mug (~$5 value)
* 4 Iomega buttons (invaluable)
I am a Mac head
I am underpaid,
I have no idea who I am, and
I survived Y2K
* 1 Jewel Spirit audio CD (~$5 value)
* 1 Macsense iCatch (~$9 value)
* 1 Macworld blueberry travel phone-cord (~$15 value)
* 1 Madonna Immaculate Collection audio CD (~$5 value)
* 4 Microsoft Mactopia t-shirts (~$5 value)
* 2 Outpost.com Yo-yos (~$5 value)
* 2 Peachpit Press black baseball caps (~$10 value)
* 1 PacificImage Electronics white pen (~$3 value)
QMUG/LA would like to congratulate in advance all of our wonderful raffle prize winners!
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