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 QMUG/LA logo Star Search ’98 Results!


Our Star Search ’98 Results are *in*!

by topic:

 1. AbFab Gay Software .......... 2

 2. America Online 4.0 .......... 0

 3. AppleScript ................. 5

 4. Encyclopedias on CD ......... 3

 5. Excel ’98 ................... 1

 6. Filemaker Pro ............... 6

 7. Fonts ....................... 6

 8. Gay MacJeopardy ............. 2

 9. Get Connected!  (to an ISP) . 3

10. HyperCard ................... 4

11. IRC/Video Conferencing ...... 6

12. Java/JavaScript ............. 4

13. Los Angeles CityROM ......... 7

14. Mac Basics .................. 5

15. Mac Books ................... 0

16. Mac Games ................... 0

17. Mac Hardware ................ 5

18. MIDI/Making Music ........... 4

19. Networking .................. 4

20. Paper ....................... 3

21. PC Compatibility ............ 4

22. Photoshop ................... 9

23. PowerPoint ’98 .............. 3

24. Quark XPress ................ 5

25. ResEdit ..................... 5

26. Scanner Night ............... 6

27. Sound/Video Editing ......... 3

28. Speech Recognition .......... 4

29. Web Authoring ............... 6

30. Word ’98 .................... 5

by interest:

 1. Photoshop ................... 9

 2. Los Angeles CityROM ......... 7

 3. Filemaker Pro ............... 6

 4. Fonts ....................... 6

 5. IRC/Video Conferencing ...... 6

 6. Scanner Night ............... 6

 7. Web Authoring ............... 6

 8. AppleScript ................. 5

 9. Mac Basics .................. 5

10. Mac Hardware ................ 5

11. Quark XPress ................ 5

12. ResEdit ..................... 5

13. Word ’98 .................... 5

14. HyperCard ................... 4

15. Java/JavaScript ............. 4

16. MIDI/Making Music ........... 4

17. Networking .................. 4

18. PC Compatibility ............ 4

19. Speech Recognition .......... 4

20. Encyclopedias on CD ......... 3

21. Get Connected!  (to an ISP) . 3

22. Paper ....................... 3

23. PowerPoint ’98 .............. 3

24. Sound/Video Editing ......... 3

25. AbFab Gay Software .......... 2

26. Gay MacJeopardy ............. 2

27. Excel ’98 ................... 1

28. America Online 4.0 .......... 0

29. Mac Books ................... 0

30. Mac Games ................... 0


On Monday, July 13th, the QORE posted jumbo-size post-it notes w/ pre-printed topic headers (~20, 3 per note) on the wall, gave each attendee five golden star stickers to vote for their topics of interest, explained each topic, asked for write-ins (~10), asked if anyone had any questions, and then let everyone get up and vote.

We want to thank each and every attendee for telling us what you do w/ your Mac(s) and what you want to know more about, and helping us decide what our topics should be, not just for the next six months or so, but for the rest of our year — ’til July ’99!

All the topics were very good and very strong, so what is surprising is not so much what came out on top, but what didn’t quite make it: Networking, PC Compatiblity, gay topics like Gay MacJeopardy and AbFab Gay Software, and America Online 4.0 and Mac Games.

And we most definitely found a few *stars,* too! We will be busily working in the background w/ the people who volunteered to present these topics that *did* make it to finalize a master calendar, and will certainly let you what it is when we have! Thanks again for helping us make this possible!



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--------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-------- QMUG/LA --------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------
the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Macintosh User’s Group for all of Los Angeles
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 7:30pm * LA Gay & Lesbian Center
* An Officially Registered and Recognized Apple Macintosh User Group *
Since June 1994 * * * (323) 222-QMUG

All pages are © QMUG/LA 1996-2003.