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 QMUG/LA logo Visiting Apple’s Campus


So, you’re going to San Francisco and figure this is a great opportunity to also visit Apple’s Campus, but where is it and how do you get there? Hopefully this document will help.

Getting from L.A. to Oakland and back finds at least four options. Amtrak is a relaxing way to go, but Greyhound and Southwest are much faster and less expensive, so you may want to go by train one way, and by bus or plane the other way. And of course you could always drive.

Amtrak ..: ~$74/one way, ~11 hours

Greyhound: ~$35/one way, ~8 hours

Southwest: ~$69/one way, ~1 hour


Getting from San Francisco to Cupertino and back finds at least two options: public and private.

CalTrains from San Francisco to Sunnyvale, $3.50-$4.75, ~75 min.

Valley Transit Authority bus #55 to De Anza College, $1.25, ~25 min.

Apple Computer, Inc. will be on the NE corner of De Anza and Mariani.


If you will be taking a car, then you'll want to visit Yahoo Map for San

Francisco to One Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA. ~50 min.


Apple’s Company Store of Apple-logoed clothes, pens, etc., is open Monday through Friday, and is closed on weekends and holidays, so plan accordingly.

Once you've seen the Company Store and bought all your Apple-logoed knick-knacks, you will probably want a tour of the Apple campus, something you'll want to try to set up well before you even show up.



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the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Macintosh User’s Group for all of Los Angeles
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 7pm * 6150 Santa Monica Blvd
* An Officially Registered and Recognized Apple Macintosh User Group *
Since June 1994 * * * (323) 222-QMUG

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