At our next meeting on Monday, July 14th, 1997,
QMUG/LA presents
Claris FileMaker
Pro 3.0
a multi-platform relational database
at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, 1625 N Schrader
just east of Highland Ave and south of Hollywood Blvd.
Demonstration copies of FileMaker Pro 3.0 will be available!
What *is* FileMaker Pro 3.0?
FileMaker Pro 3.0 is a relational database program, as are ACI
US 4D, Blyth Omnis, Helix Express, Microsoft Access, Microsoft FoxPro,
and others. Anyone with any collection of CDs, videos, etc., or responsible
for mailing out newsletters, membership renewal reminders, etc., can benefit
from a database program, and FileMaker Pro 3.0 is one of the best.
*Why* FileMaker Pro
Not only is FileMaker Pro *the* easiest database program around,
it's available for Macintosh, Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Create
your database once, and it's accessible from four different platforms.
And, FileMaker Pro is actually *fun* to use! Plus, even all of you ClarisWorks-owners
can benefit from this presentation since its database module is like a
FileMaker Lite.
What can I *do* with
FileMaker Pro 3.0?
You can *create* your database the way *you* want to, create
the layouts the way you want to with incredible precision, use color as
you probably never have, create *awesome* forms, import raw data from Word,
Excel, etc., ease data entry with radio buttons, check boxes, etc., export
*just* the data you want, add fields at will, delete fields at will, *find*
that needle in your database of information, *sort* your data the way you
want, perform mail merge with the greatest of ease, password protect your
database, and *so* *much* *more*! (Uh, can you tell we like this program?
"Y'gotta get it, 'cause y'gonna love it!" Perhaps that should
be FMP's new ad campaign! Or maybe, "FileMaker Pro, what can *you*
do with it?" Or maybe, "FileMaker Pro, it's fun, exciting; shouldn't
you be?" Or...)
What about the presenter?
Our presenter lives and breathes FileMaker Pro 3.0 as he creates
commercial database solutions with it for a living. He owns both a Mac
and a PC and develops his solutions for both platforms. This is an excellent
opportunity for Mac users to find out what it's like being bi-platform
and for PC users to see one man's Mac in action up close. Bring your questions!
Anything else?
Yes! QMUG/LA may be unveiling its new membership database, made
interactive thanks to the generosity of our presenter, which allows attendees
to sign-in and update their basic contact information themselves, thereby
increasing database integrity and relieving QMUG/LA officers of the tedious
task of doing it later manually! Go QMUG/LA! Go FileMaker Pro!
And Mark Your Qalendars!
Tuesday, July 8th, 7:30pm, the planning committee of
the Institute of Gay and Lesbian Education
(IGLE) Weekend College "Queer 2000: Where do we go from here?"
to happen Friday-Sunday, September 19th-21st, meets. The organizers of
this exciting event invite you to help! For more information, e-mail
Friday-Sunday, July 11th-20th, OutFest
'97, the LA Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, takes place!
Monday, July 21st, 7pm, DQ/LA,
the Los Angeles chapter of Digital Queers, meets at Little Frida's, 8730
Santa Monica Blvd, just west of La Cienega! DQ/LA will also meet Mon, Aug
18th, and Mon, Sept 15th, same time and place. For more information, send
an e-mail message to
with "subscribe dq-la" in the body.
Friday-Sunday, July 25th-27th, BiNetLA
presents its *4th* Annual Southern California Conference on Bisexuality.
Saturday-Sunday, July 26th-27th, San
Diego parades its pride on Saturday, and continues its festivities
on Sunday.
Tuesday-Friday, August 5th-8th, Macworld
Expo/Boston takes place!
Monday, August 11th, 7:30pm, QMUG/LA
presents "Scanner Night!" Bring a floppy and your captured Kodak-moments
and immortalize them on your Mac! (...or PC)
Other Notes:
QMUG/LA would like to thank everyone who made its *3rd*
Anniversary such a smash! From those who brought food and drink, to those
who presented and played Berkeley Systems' "You Don't Know Jack!"
(w/ *three* Mac keyboards daisy-chained together, one for each player,
try *that* on a PC!), and those who donated to QMUG/LA's Mega-Major Raffle,
thank you all!
Attendees who liked Berkeley Systems' "You Don't
Know Jack!" enough to purchase a copy qualify for a special $15 User
Group discount that's good until August 31st, '97! Forms will be available
at the July "FileMaker Pro 3.0" presentation!
TeleTech is hiring! TeleTech USA is hiring full-time
representatives to handle calls to Apple's 800-SOS-APPL number! You must
have strong customer service skills, familiarity with Apple hardware/peripherals,
Windows compatibles and tech support. Internet and networking experience
are pluses. Shifts variable between 6am and 6pm. TeleTech USA offers a
competitive wage, comprehensive benefits and advancement opportunities.
TeleTech USA is located in Burbank on Hollywood Way. To schedule a phone
interview, call (818) 295-6210. Tell 'em you heard about it from QMUG/LA!
TeleTech USA is an equal opportunity employer. And,
One of our members is seeking to carpool (in his car)
to our meetings from the Ontario area. Anyone in the Ontario area interested
in carpooling with him to our meetings should contact us so we can put
you in touch with him.
Also, this action item came across the EvangeList
Tue, 1 Jul 97 ~4:30pm PDT!
"TIME magazine is conducting a poll for the people
that best define the 20th Century. Here is a chance to make some waves!"
TIME magazine's EvangeList
category endorsements:
Builders and Titans Steve Jobs
Heroes and Adventurers Dr. Gil Amelio
Scientists and Healers Dr. Avie Tevanian
Entertainers and Artists <none>
Warriors and Statesmen <none> .
"To vote, go to
and click on the "100 -- who defines the 20th Century?" button.
Please do it soon while the poll is available!"
Due to our website being moved to a different
server, some of our links are temporarily down. We should be fully operational
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QMUG/LA FAQs: Get your questions answered about QMUG/LA!
Qalendar....: Find out when and what our next meetings will be!
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Qonnections.: Visit our Top 10 gay, Mac and LA websites!
QORE........: Find out who is responsible for QMUG/LA!
Qudos.......: Read who has helped QMUG/LA along the way!
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