On Saturday, November 22nd, 1997, 12noon sharp, the
QMUG/LA Advisory Council
meets at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, 1625 N Schrader
just east of Highland Ave and south of Hollywood Blvd.
This meeting's proposed agenda, in more detail: * -- asterisked items are very important *0. A little history to bring us all up to date -- Reviewing our Qalendar for the past 3 1/2 years *1. Setting the Qalendar for '98 -- no shortage of ideas, such as: Adobe PageMaker *** Cruising w/ your Mac *** Encyclopedias on CD *** Get Connected! *** HD Maintenance *** IRC *** Java *** Mac Basics *** Mac Jobs *** Microsoft Word '98 *** Networking *** Newton 101 *** PC Compatibility *** Protecting Your Privacy *** Quark XPress *** Voice Recognition *** www.apple.com *** etc. *2. Prepping for the Dec mtng __ software submissions -- distrib'g Emergency Boot Disk for testing __ food __ drink __ music __ decorations *3. Distrib'g lists of mbrs w/o e-mail to call -- need four people... Of ~150 people, only ~50 are w/o e-mail: in 213, 14 people; in 213, 14 more people; in 310, 12 people; and in 818, 10 people. Need to call, make sure number is still active, get new number if not, invite to Dec mtng, and ask for e-mail addr; leave msg if necessary to e-mail QMUGLA@aol.com or call (213) 222-7684... 4. Publicity -- how and where we publicize; where else should we be? 5. Other -- *your* agenda items...! Pls e-mail them in...! 6. Reviewing our website -- what's there, what could be, etc... *7. Marketing -- QMUG/LA-logoed t-shirts, pencils, mugs, etc. *8. Setting Goals for '98 -- projection unit, etc.? *9. Setting our next mtng for May? -- just before our June anniversary...!
And Mark Your Qalendars!Monday, December 1st, is the Macworld Expo/SF pre-registration deadline. Exhibits are $25, and Conferences are $170. Check out our own preparation sheet to find out *how* inexpensive going can be! Otherwise, for more information, call them at 1-800-645-EXPO/3976.
Monday, December 1st, is also the 10th annual World AIDS Day when we honor a Day Without Art.
Saturday, December 6th, Fairfax High School (at Fairfax and Melrose) hosts "hundreds of vendors displaying their best products (incl. Apple's) at the lowest possible prices." For more information call them at (310) 820-3241.
Monday, December 8th, 7:30pm sharp, QMUG/LA presents our *4th* Annual Absolutely Fabulous Gay Software Review and Disks! and End-of-Year Party!
And Tuesday-Friday, January 6th-9th, 1998, Macworld Expo/SF happens!
____________________________ Menubar options: QMUG/LA FAQs: Get your questions answered about QMUG/LA! Qalendar....: Find out when and what our next meetings will be! Quarry......: Download Gay Software! (Need we say more?) Qonnections.: Visit our Top 10 gay, Mac and LA websites! QORE........: Find out who is responsible for QMUG/LA! Qudos.......: Read who has helped QMUG/LA along the way! Menubar icons: Apple Menu..: Get info About This Website! Help Guide..: Get info on other gay, Mac and LA resources! Chapter Menu: Visit other QMUG chapter sites! .