Apple menuWelcome!FAQsQalendarQuarryQonnectionsQOREQudosMon Jan 12, 1998Help GuideChapter menu

Welcome to QMUG/LA window

At our next meeting on Monday, January 12th, 1998, 7:30pm sharp

QMUG/LA is proud and excited to present
Apple’s website
at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center at 1625 N Schrader,
just east of Highland Ave and south of Hollywood Blvd.


Apple has a wealth of information at its website.
Find out what’s there, and how to find it!

Sit back and enjoy a tour of Apple’s website’s major areas, excellent resources and search engines. The current itinerary is: Apple’s (1).Products, (2).Mac.Advantages, (3).Service.Center.Locator, (4).Tech.Support.Online, (5).Basic.Troubleshooting.Guide, (6).Software.Updates, (7).Tech.Info.Library, (8).Feedback.form, (9).Developer.Technical.Publications, (10).Business.Success.Stories, (11).User.Group.Program, (12).Apple.Store.Special.Deals, (13).Site.Index, (14).AppleFacts.Online, (15).Mac.Hardware.&.Software.Guide, (16).Shortcuts, (17).QMUG/LA’s.updated.Qonnections.list, (18).Apple’s.Current.Product.List, (19).Human.Interface.Guidelines, and (20).Newton.Solutions.Guide, time permitting.



And Make Note On Your Qalendars!

Thursday, January 1st, 1998, Happy New Year! Make attending QMUG/LA meetings regularly one of your new year’s resolutions — don’t miss out on all the fun or the latest information!

Saturday, January 24th, 8pm, and January 25th, 4pm, the Improv presents “Sketch ’n’ Sniff: an evening of original sketch comedy (with a whiff of improv).” The Improv is at 8162 Melrose Ave, two blocks west of Crescent Heights, and tickets are $10. “Sketch ’n’ Sniff” can also be seen Saturday, January 31st, 8pm, and Sunday, February 1st, 4pm. For more information, call the Improv at (213) 878-6962.

Tuesday, January 27th, 7pm-9:30pm, LAMG presents a free seminar, “Before you Buy a Mac,” everything you’d ever need or want to know before buying a new or used Macintosh. And,

Wednesday, January 28th, 7pm-9pm, LAMG presents a free seminar, “Finding a Job Using the Internet.” “Learn how to use the Internet to expand your job search options! Topics include: America’s Job bank (Dept of Labor); how to use search engines, free e-mail sources; how to upload resumes to job data banks; top 25 job sites; and more!” For more information, call LAMG at (310) 319-1821.

And, Monday, February 9th, 7:30pm sharp, QMUG/LA is proud and excited to present a double-header in time for Valentine’s Day! First, “Cruising with your Mac: Love and Sex with your Mac and Modem, from local bulletin boards to the World Wide Web,” and then “IRC: Internet Relay Chat — Chat with Real People in Real-Time.” You won’t want to miss either of these presentations!



And directly from Apple:

“Apple is soliciting customer feedback on how dealers are meeting customer needs. I know that many of your have had good and bad experiences out there that you may want to share with Apple about your shopping experiences. You can do so at”



Menubar options: QMUG/LA FAQs: Get your questions answered about QMUG/LA! Qalendar....: Find out when and what our next meetings will be! Quarry......: Download Gay Software! (Need we say more?) Qonnections.: Visit our Top 10 gay, Mac and LA websites! QORE........: Find out who is responsible for QMUG/LA! Qudos.......: Read who has helped QMUG/LA along the way! Menubar icons: Apple Menu..: Get info About This Website! Help Guide..: Get help from other gay, Mac and LA resources! Chapter Menu: Visit other QMUG chapter sites! .



--------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-------- QMUG/LA --------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------
the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Macintosh User’s Group for all of Los Angeles
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 7:30pm * LA Gay & Lesbian Center
* An Officially Registered and Recognized Apple Macintosh User Group *
Since June 1994 * * * (323) 222-QMUG

All pages are © QMUG/LA 1996-2003.