Recurring Expenses |
QMUG/LA does have recurring expenses.1. Monthly Room and Equipment Rental Fees .............................. ~$ 0 2. E-mail Address ....................................... ~$ 5
- $4.95/month to AOL, since May '963. (323) 222-QMUG/7684 phone number .................................... ~$30
- ~$20/month to Pacific Bell, since May '95
- ~$10/month to Pacific Bell Directory4. domain name registration ................................... ~$ 3
- $35/year to Network Solutions in Nov, since Nov '965. website hosting ........................................ ~$23
- $22.95/month to in Jan, Apr, Jul & Oct, since Mar '00 ===Total monthly expenses, current ........................................ ~$61
QMUG/LAs primary officers havent been overly concerned about QMUG/LAs financial viability, and have generously covered its minimal expenses.
QMUG/LA was based on being fun, and *doing* something was a lot more fun than worrying about how or if QMUG/LA could afford to do it.
Some expenses like e-mail address, phone number, domain registration and hosting are the results of one QORE member and not the group, so they have been paid for voluntarily by that QORE member.
After eight years, it might be nice if QMUG/LA could be more self-sufficient, and the addition of a Marketing Chair might be that step in the right direction.
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