Dear Apple Store at the Grove,
Just a quick note to ask if anyone at the Apple Store
at the Grove would be interested in making a Digital Cameras
presentation on Monday, February 10th, 2003, either at the Apple Store
or at our meeting place of Dr. Rawstock at 6150 Santa Monica Blvd, to ~20-25
members of a our local Macintosh Users Group.
QMUG/LA has been meeting since June 1994, 8 1/2 years
now, and for the past four years, we have explicitly asked our members
what topics are of interest to them. This past July 2002, Digital
Cameras was the #1 topic, and so were looking for someone qualified
and interested in presenting this topic for our members.
The presentation itself could be about an hour long, covering
the basics of what to look for in buying a camera, whats generally
available, what accessories to consider, tips for taking great pictures,
etc. It does not have to cover what to do w/ your pictures
image-editing (Photo- shop), printing, etc. unless the presenter
really wants to do so.
We normally meet the 2nd Monday of each month, so for
Feb 03, that would be the 10th, 7pm-9pm at Dr. Rawstock on Santa
Monica Blvd, a lovely facility, however we are open to meeting at the Apple
Store at the Grove, if someone at the Apple Store would like to present
and do so at the Grove.
Enclosed are extra copies of a few of our handouts from
past meetings, so you can get a sense of who QMUG/LA is. Our June
handout (al- ways our thickest) has a matrix of all of our past eight years
of meeting topics. Our Aug handout contains our Star Search Results
and current calendar. And our Dec handout is for this past Monday.
We hope that someone at the Apple Store at the Grove will
be inter- ested in making a presentation on Digital Cameras
for us, and well look forward to hearing back from you via e-mail
or voicemail and working w/ you on this.
Doan Thiel Stafford Co-ChairQMUG/LA |
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(323) 222-QMUG (323)
860-7340 fax |