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 QMUG/LA logo Symantec User Group Profile Form

User Group Name...: QMUG/LA, the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual ................... Macintosh User’s Group for all of Los Angeles Name of Newsletter: the Qourier_____ Group Membership....: 150_______ Monthly Mtng Date.: 2nd Mon_________ Avg. Mtng Attendance: 25-30_____ Group Webpage URL.: http://www.qmug.org__________________________________ OFFICERS: At this point in time, we have three officers. They are:
Brad Lohman, Hardware
Doan Stafford, Website
Loretta Newman, Membership
All three can reached via:
Address..........: QMUG/LA
                   1625 N Schrader
                   Los Angeles, CA 90028

Day Phone........: (213) 222-QMUG/7684
Eve Phone........: same
Fax Number.......: (213) 993-7699


Group Profile: QMUG/LA is unique and special in that it is one of the only two officially Apple-registered and recognized gay Macintosh user groups in the world, the first being GMUG in San Francisco (est. 1988). QMUG/LA has been in existence since June 1994, and celebrates its *4th* Anniversary this June 1998.

At QMUG/LA, we’re proud that we have met each and every month since we began and have been able to present something fresh and new most every time. This can be evidenced at our website under our Qalendar section where all four years worth of topics and presenters are posted, by year, topic, presenter, and even in matrix format.

And speaking of our website, we’re also quite proud of that, too, making use of the Macintosh’s menubar for our site navigation bar, of the Macintosh’s window titlebars for our splashscreen and About This Website shot, and soon of the Macintosh’s mounted volumes even. And like the Macintosh’s interface, ours is simple and consistent.

But QMUG/LA wouldn’t be anywhere without our membership, a solid 150 people. We actually were without a membership chair for a year, and would probably be a solid 200 people right now if we had been able to track people during that time. We’re very happy to have a new membership chair on board now who can also connect with lesbians and bisexual women.

QMUG/LA owes much of its continued existence to its officers, but even more so to others: to Apple for recognizing us, to the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center for housing us, to Adobe for the software for our website, and to companies like you for recognizing the importance and value of user groups, their officers and their members.



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--------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-------- QMUG/LA --------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------
the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Macintosh User’s Group for all of Los Angeles * Meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 7:30pm * LA Gay & Lesbian Center
* An Officially Registered and Recognized Apple Macintosh User Group * Since June 1994 * * * (323) 222-QMUG

All pages are © QMUG/LA 1996-2003.