10/24/02 Invitation |
10/30/02 Results |
11/04/02 Logos |
11/04/02 Need Logos |
11/13/02 Update #1 |
12/08/02 Update #2 |
12/24/02 Update #3 |
01/05/03 Update #4 |
01/08/03 Schedule |
01/16/03 Thanks |
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To: "L.A. area MUG Leaders" <forum@qmug.org>
Subj: Re: Staffing San Francisco -- Results!
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 19:30:04 -0800
From: Doan Stafford <forum@qmug.org>
Hey there!
I am totally thrilled to e-mail you, who have volunteered to help staff theUser Group Booth at Macworld Expo/San Francisco 2003, to thank you, and the
rest of the L.A. area MUG Leaders!
Here are the results of my invitation -- thank you for responding andvolunteering!
10am-12noon : Nancy Albrecht of the Santa Clarita Valley MUG
<http://homepage.mac.com/scvmug/education.html>Doan Stafford of QMUG/LA
12noon-2pm .: Andrew Zima of the San Gabriel Valley MUG
<http://www.sgvmug.org>Jon Chaplin of CHOMP
<http://www.chompmug.org>Thomas Ritter of the San Gabriel Valley MUG
2pm-4pm ....: Capt Kirk* of the Serious MUG
<*if any shift is fine, how's 2pm-4pm?>Doan Stafford of QMUG/LA
4pm-6pm ....: Bill Gass of the Digital Designer Group
<http://www.myrongrossman.com/dg>Dan Castle of MUGSIE
Again, as I get more information, like what day we'll staff, I'll let youknow. Otherwise, be excited and get prepared! Like the pictures on Apple's
website, you're welcome to bring banners, wear group t-shirts, whatever!
In sending out this invitation last week, I did hit a few unknown @mac.comaddresses, unexpected since Apple did offer free .mac accounts to user groups.
FYI, you may want to remove these from your own distribution lists:
"Colony MUG" <colmug@mac.com>"Long Beach Mac Graphics" <lbmg@mac.com>
"Santa Ana Community Apple UG" <sacaug@mac.com>
In my mind, I was hoping for 2-3 people per shift, or 8-12 people, and onthat, the User Group Booth has room for 2-3 more people, so please forward my
original invitation below to the rest of your fellow officers!
Again, thank you for responding, and I'm looking forward to seeing you allup there!
Doan Thiel Stafford * http://www.qmug.org * (323) 222-QMUG/7684
Co-Chair -- QMUG/LA * QMUGLA@aol.com * (323) 860-7346 fax
10/24/02 Invitation |
10/30/02 Results |
11/04/02 Logos |
11/04/02 Need Logos |
11/13/02 Update #1 |
12/08/02 Update #2 |
12/24/02 Update #3 |
01/05/03 Update #4 |
01/08/03 Schedule |
01/16/03 Thanks |