Here is a brief timeline of QMUG/LAs experiences
w/ the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Centers room and equipment reservations
Jun 2000 The Center
closes for Pride Day w/ one weeks notice, so QMUG/LA
has to move its meeting, our *6th* Anniversary, back one week.
Aug 2000 QMUG/LA
gives Richard a list of all our meeting dates and topics through Jun 2001,
and explicitly notes exceptions of Oct 2000 when QMUG/LA would *not* meet
at the Center, and Jan 2001 when we would *not* meet on the 2nd Monday
of that month, but instead meet on the 3rd Monday of that month, and that
we would need the projector for every meeting except Oct 2000 and Feb 2001.
Aug 2000 No room
or equipment are reserved for our meeting. A room is reserved
on the spot, and QMUG/LA is told the projector rental fee is $20/hour,
rather than $20/meeting (2 hours).
Aug 2000 QMUG/LA
meets w/ Jerry to reiterate our calendar of meeting dates and equipment
Sep 2000 Our room
is reserved, but no projector is reserved. The Center does us
a favor and charges QMUG/LA for one hours use but lets
us use it for our entire two hour meeting.
Oct 2000 QMUG/LA
writes Erica Henderson to request a solution to this projector rental fee
Oct 2000 Erica e-mails
QMUG/LA, Richard Rico, Michelle Hourigan, Sandy Lee, Monica Riley and others
that QMUG/LA can rent the projector for $20 for our entire two hour meeting
rather than just for one hour.
Nov 2000 Our room
and equipment are reserved, but the Center wants to charge us the regular
projector rental fee, so we present a copy of Ericas e-mail, and
the Center charges us $20 to use it for our entire meeting.
Jan 2001 The Center
is closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day, the day of our meeting this month,
w/ one weeks notice, so we had to move our meeting to another location.
Feb 2001 The Center
insists QMUG/LA is a for-profit organization so we must pay the regular
room rental fee of $30/hour. This was corrected afterwards, and
QMUG/LA was credited appropriately.
May 2001 QMUG/LAs
room is reserved, but no projector is reserved. Apparently the Centers
Career Center somehow reserved the projector back in Feb 2001. If
so, what happened to our reservation back in Aug 2000? And why
werent we told at our Mar 2000 or Apr 2000 meeting?
Jun 2001 ???