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Subj: Re: Projector Reservation
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 09:06:43 EDT
From: QMUGLA@aol.com
To: "Richard Rico" <RoomRentals@laglc.org>,
"Sandy Lee" <slee@laglc.org>
you wrote:
> I am not able to reserve the Projector for you on June 11, 2001
Hey Richard, Sandy,I am incredibly saddened to hear that.
I am saddened to hear that this is how you treat an organization that began
because of a call from the Center,
<http://qmug.org/LA/Desktop_Folder/Documents/LA-GLCSC-Ad.html>an organization that has been meeting at the Center for seven years now,
<http://qmug.org/LA/qd-qalendar/matrix.html>an organization that has a long and rich history w/ the Center,
<http://qmug.org/LA/qd-qalendar/timeline.html>an organization that has given members of your staff Certificates of
Appreciation for their outstanding contributions to our smooth operation,
<http://qmug.org/LA/qi-qore/-biz/00-06_Certifs-of-Apprecion.html>an organization whose 6th Anniversary last year in June 2000 was postponed
and delayed because of the Center's closure and lack of notice about it,
<http://qmug.org/LA/qd-qalendar/6th_year/index_00-06_History.html>an organization that told more than one member of your staff in writing
back in August 2000 on what dates we would be meeting, what our topics would
be, and what exceptions to those meeting dates and projector reservations
there would be,
<http://qmug.org/LA/qi-qore/-spondence/00-10_theCenter_MtngCosts.html>an organization that has suffered a year of failed room and equipment
reservations and erratic rental fee charges.
<http://qmug.org/LA/qi-qore/-spondence/01-05_Center_Reservations.html>I am saddened to hear that in light of and despite all of this, you still
cannot, will not, reserve the projector for us.I am personally disappointed that this does not warrant an official
apology, some grand gesture for atonement.I am deeply concerned about the state of Center's reservation and rental
system; I have very little reason to believe this sad pattern will change,
and therefore have very little confidence that this sad pattern won't
continue unless Reservations has a fundamental change in personnel, or
QMUG/LA can make its reservations w/ someone else.And I am torn about this, because I have very strong, deep, personal ideas
about supporting and promoting the Center, and this tells me that the Center
doesn't care. This tells me that seven years of significant involvement and
volunteerism mean nothing. This tells me that my meeting w/ Richard in
August 2000 gets trumped by a Career Center request later on in February 2001.Because the Center disrupted our *6th* Anniversary Celebration, I cannot
and will not allow the Center to disrupt our *7th* Anniversary Celebration.
As I already said in person, but am following up in writing, because the
Center cannot or will not reserve a projector for our anniversary
celebration, QMUG/LA cannot and will not meet at the Center for that
celebration.Nor will we meet at the Center for our July "Star Search 2001" meeting. In
spite of and despite all the incredible sadness, personal disappointment and
deep concerns I have about the Center's reservation and rental fee system
right now, I want QMUG/LA's members to decide whether QMUG/LA should try to
continue meeting at the Center or not.
<http://qmug.org/LA/qi-qore/-biz/01-07_Where2meet.html>If QMUG/LA's members decide they do not want to continue meeting at the
Center, I want the Center to understand what it's not getting: $30-$50/month
is $360-$600/year that I hope the Career Center additionally transfers from
their account into Room Reservation's account, and ~30 people a month is ~360
people a year that have one less reason to visit the Center.If QMUG/LA's members decide they want to continue meeting at the Center,
then I will do everything in my power to ensure that that happens, and my
deepest hope is that in kind, the Center will do everything in its power to
ensure that that happens as well. Perhaps the Center can do a little "more"
for us to make up for this past year.Sincerely,
Doan Thiel Stafford * http://www.qmug.org * (323) 222-QMUG/7684
Co-Chair -- QMUG/LA * QMUGLA@aol.com * (323) 860-8842
=======================================Date: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:56:46 PM
From: RoomRentals@laglc.org
Subj: Qmug Request
To: qmugla@aol.com
cc: slee@laglc.org
Doan,Thank you for the call about tonight's meeting and you not needing
the Projector. Unfortunately and per our conversation last week I
am not able to reserve the
Projector for you on June 11, 2001 for it has already been requested
for another
Class, what I am able to reserve for you is a TV MONITOR AND AVERKEY
PLUS PC TO TV CONVERTER please let me know whether you would like me to
book this equipment on
your room reservation for June 11, 2001 as soon as possible so no
other conflicts
arise.Thank you,
Richard----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
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Subject: Qmug Request
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