Whoa. And then Apple unveiled its new consumer desktop, iMac w/ 233Mhz processor, 512K L2 cache, built-in 15" screen, 32MB RAM (expandable to 128MB), 4GB HD, 24x CD-ROM drive, 100Base-T Ethernet, 4Mbs infrared port, internal 33.6kbs faxmodem, new Universal Serial Bus keyboard and mouse, and bundled software like AOL 4.0, Quicken 98, etc., for $1299, to begin shipping in the Aug/Sept timeframe. And iMac is fast as well its Bytemark is 7.9 while a PII/233 is 3.2. As seen earlier, a PII/400 is 5.6, so iMac even outperforms it! ->
Apple has 22 million current Mac users, 6 million of which use theirs professionally, another 6 million in education, and the other 10 million at home. iMac will also be great for schools and computer labs. ->
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