Meeting Location & Phone |
Contact Information |
Distance |
Adobe Technology Exchange of Southern California
Led by: *
Lynette Kent, Vice President
Toyota USA 190th and Western Ave Torrance, CA 90509 (714) 840-4737
Since: 1991;
Basic Dues: $95 # of Mbrs: 250; @ Mtngs: 65 Meets: 3rd Sat, 9am-12noon
http://www.atxsocal.org mailto: kentdesign@att.net
Success ...:
Having demos w/ high end camera companies Challenge: Dealing with the PC members
15.80 mi. |
Casta del Sol Computer Club Mac Group
Led by: *
Skillman Hunter, Leader
Garden Room Rec Center #1 Mission
Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 768-8490
Since: 1998;
Basic Dues: $10 # of Mbrs: 33; @ Mtngs: 10 Meets: 3rd Mon, 9:30am-11:30am
http://members.home.com/cdscc/indexmac.htm http://members.cox.net/cdscc/indexmac.htm mailto: cdscc@acrobytes.com
Success ...:
Buying a projector Challenge: None
46.07 mi. |
Cerritos College Macintosh User Group
Led by: *
____, ____
11110 Alondra Blvd. Norwalk, CA 90650 (562) 860-2451 x2622
Since: _year_;
Basic Dues: ___ # of Mbrs: ___; @ Mtngs: ___ Meets: 3rd Tue, 11am-12noon
http://homepage.mac.com/ccmug mailto: ccmug@aol.com
Success ...:
___ Challenge: ___
14.12 mi. |
Champions of the Mac Proletariat
Represented by: * Jon Chaplin, El Presidente * Eric Hernandez, VP
Communications * Francine Schwieder, Executive Editor CHOMPbytes
Bauer Forum, Claremont McKenna Colleges 500
E. 9th Street Claremont, CA 91711 (909)
Since: Oct 1985;
Basic Dues: $20 # of Mbrs: 85; @ Mtngs: 30 Meets: 4th Thu, 7pm-9pm
http://www.chompmug.org mailto: malva@thegrid.net mailto: info@chompmug.org
Success ...:
Our partnership with SGVMUG Challenge: Getting vendors or volunteers
to present
30.93 mi. |
Colony Macintosh User Group
Led by: *
Bob Brennan, VP/Ambassador
49710 Avenida Florita Murrieta, CA
92562 (909) 696-0434
Since: June 1996;
Basic Dues: $12 # of Mbrs: 40; @ Mtngs: 20 Meets: 2nd Tue, 7pm-9pm
http://homepage.mac.com/colmug mailto: bobren2@earthlink.net
Success ...:
Our website Challenge: Getting interesting programs
66.16 mi. |
CVMUG (Conejo-Ventura MUG)
Represented by: * Susie Herrera, President * Shaun Moon, Board Member
550 Airport Way Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 484-2259
Since: May 1984;
Basic Dues: $35 # of Mbrs: 250; @ Mtngs: 100 Meets: 1st Thu, 7pm-9pm
http://www.cvmug.org mailto: sherrera@mac.com
Success ...:
Having successful and consistent SIGS Challenge: Recruiting and maintaining
48.86 mi. |
Digital Designer Group (CA)
Led by: *
Kathleen McGuiness, VP/Membership
2027 N. Lake Ave., #3 Altadena,
CA 91001 Fair Oaks and Mission South Pasadena, CA 91030 (626) 799-2195
Since: Apr 1999;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 25; @ Mtngs: 10 Meets: 3rd Tue, 7pm-9pm Meets: 4th Fri, 1:30pm-______
http://www.myrongrossman.com/dg mailto: KatMcG@aol.com
Success ...:
informing our membership Challenge: keeping members active
10.95 mi. |
Digitaledge Technology Group
Led by: *
John Foley, Leader
1100 Edinger Ave Tustin, CA 92780 (___) ___-____ (714) 545-2474
Since: Jan 2002;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: None; @ Mtngs: 10 Meets: 1st Tue, 6pm-9pm
http://www.digitaledge-online.com mailto: jmfoley@adelphia.net
Success ...:
None yet Challenge: Getting folks revved up about OS X
32.72 mi. |