Meeting Since Apr 1976 1. N Orange County Jan 1980 2. Mac/Appleholics ___ 1980 3. Hi Desert ACC Apr 1981 4. Orange ACC ___ 1983 5. South Bay May 1984 6. Conejo-Ventura Jun 1984 7. Hughes & Ray. Jun 1984 8. W Orange County ___ 1984 9. Leisure World ___ 1984 10. MUGSIE Feb 1985 11. USC Mar 1985 12. MacValley Mar 1985 13. San Gabriel Val. Oct 1985 14. CHOMP Sep 1988 15. Whittier Area ___ 1991 16. Adobe Tech. Sep 1991 17. SMOG Jan 1992 18. Mushikui Ringo Feb 1992 19. L.A. Palm/Port. ___ 1992 20. Senior MUG Sep 1992 21. LB MacGraphics Nov 1992 22. Santa Clarita Jun 1994 23. QMUG/LA ___ 1995 24. Mac Art & Design Jun 1996 25. Colony Jun 1998 26. Casta del Sol Apr 1999 27. Digital Designers Sep 1999 28. L.A. Area 4D UG Sep 1999 29. Park Newport Jun 2000 30. L.A. Final Cut Pro Oct 2000 31. L.A. Newton UG Jan 2002 32. Digitaledge Jan 2002 33. Temecula Valley Apr 2002 34. Aerospace MUG ___ ____ 35. Cerritos College ___ ____ 36. MUG at UCI ___ ____ 37. RIMS CTAP ___ ____ 38. Santa Ana Comy ___ ____ 39. Serious MUG ___ ____ 40. Tomorrows |
# of Members 400 1. Leisure World 400 2. MacValley 300 3. N Orange County 260 4. Orange ACC 260 5. W Orange County 250 6. Adobe Tech. Exch. 250 7. Conejo-Ventura 220 8. QMUG/LA 210 9. L.A. Palm/Portable UG 200 10. LB MacGraphics 200 11. Mac Art & Design 200 12. Mushikui Ringo 200 13. Park Newport 150 14. Hughes & Raytheon 150 15. San Gabriel Valley 150 16. South Bay 85 17. CHOMP 80 18. SMOG 70 19. MUGSIE 65 20. Mac/Appleholics 55 21. Whittier Area 50 22. Aerospace MUG 50 23. L.A. Area 4D UG 45 24. Hi Desert ACC 45 25. Santa Clarita Valley 40 26. Colony (in Murrieta) 40 27. Senior MUG of Laverne 40 28. USC 35 29. Casta del Sol 35 30. Temecula Valley 30 31. L.A. Newton UG 25 32. Digital Designers 10 33. Digitaledge 2000 34. L.A. Final Cut Pro UG ___ 35. Cerritos College ___ 36. MUG at UCI ___ 37. RIMS CTAP ___ 38. Santa Ana Community ___ 39. Serious MUG ___ 40. Tomorrows ==== 6600 |
# @ Meetings 250 1. L.A. Final Cut Pro UG 150 2. MacValley 125 3. Orange ACC 100 4. Conejo-Ventura 100 5. Leisure World 100 6. W Orange County 75 7. San Gabriel Valley 75 8. South Bay 65 9. Adobe Tech. Exch. 60 10. Park Newport 50 11. L.A. Palm/Portable UG 50 12. MUGSIE 35 13. LB MacGraphics 35 14. Mac Art & Design 35 15. Mushikui Ringo 35 16. SMOG 30 17. CHOMP 25 18. Mac/Appleholics 25 19. N Orange County 25 20. QMUG/LA 25 21. Santa Clarita Valley 25 22. Whittier Area 20 23. Colony (in Murrieta) 20 24. Hughes & Raytheon 20 25. Temecula Valley 15 26. Hi Desert ACC 15 27. Senior MUG of Laverne 10 28. Casta del Sol 10 29. Digital Designers 10 30. Digitaledge 10 31. L.A. Area 4D UG 10 32. L.A. Newton UG 10 33. USC ___ 34. Aerospace MUG ___ 35. Cerritos College ___ 36. MUG at UCI ___ 37. RIMS CTAP ___ 38. Santa Ana Comy ___ 39. Serious MUG ___ 40. Tomorrows ==== 1645 |
% of Members @ Meetings 0.71 1. MUGSIE 0.57 2. Temecula Valley 0.56 3. Santa Clarita Valley 0.50 4. Colony (in Murrieta) 0.50 5. San Gabriel Valley 0.50 6. South Bay 0.48 7. Orange ACC 0.45 8. Whittier Area 0.44 9. SMOG 0.40 10. Conejo-Ventura 0.40 11. Digital Designers 0.38 12. Mac/Appleholics 0.38 13. MacValley 0.38 14. Senior MUG 0.38 15. W Orange County 0.35 16. CHOMP 0.33 17. Hi Desert ACC 0.33 18. L.A. Newton UG 0.30 19. Park Newport 0.29 20. Casta del Sol 0.26 21. Adobe Tech. Exch. 0.25 22. Leisure World 0.25 23. USC 0.24 24. L.A. Palm/Portable 0.20 25. L.A. Area 4D UG 0.18 26. LB MacGraphics 0.18 27. Mac Art & Design 0.18 28. Mushikui Ringo 0.13 29. L.A. Final Cut Pro 0.13 30. Hughes & Raytheon 0.11 31. QMUG/LA 0.08 32. N Orange County ____ 33. Aerospace MUG ____ 34. Cerritos College ____ 35. Digitaledge ____ 36. MUG at UCI ____ 37. RIMS CTAP ____ 38. Santa Ana Comy ____ 39. Serious MUG ____ 40. Tomorrows ==== 0.25 |
Greatest Success so far: Attending User Group University Being one of the oldest groups in So Cal Donating time and money to Emerson Elementary School Finding a great meeting place Having a fabulous Learning Center Having great vendor presentations Having really good monthly meetings Having successful and consistent SIGS Helping our members Our continued existence Our educational program Our longevity Our partnership with other MUGs Our website Our Yahoo! Group Providing appealing content to our broad audience Publishing a CD of the Month since 1998 Surviving the dark years of Amelio at Apple Transitioning from Saturdays to Thursdays |
Biggest Challenge right now: Balancing Beginners v. Advanced Users Converting folks to Mac OS X Filling vacant officer positions Finding a great meeting place Finding affordable insurance Finding volunteers Getting folks revved up about OS X Getting members active in leadership positions Getting more people to know we exist Getting new members Getting people to join and be more active Getting vendors or volunteers to present Helping users Increasing membership Keeping a great meeting place Keeping an all-volunteer organization viable Keeping our meetings interesting L.A. being so spread out Recruiting and maintaining members |
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