Meeting Location & Phone |
Contact Information |
Distance |
Mac/Appleholics Anonymous
Represented by: * Victoria (Toria) Maciulski, Director * Greg Maciulski, Director
3169 Telegraph Rd. Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 482-3453
Since: Jan 1980;
Basic Dues: $20 # of Mbrs: 65; @ Mtngs: 25 Meets: 2nd Sat, 9am-11am
http://homepage.mac.com/mac_appleholics mailto: Mac/Appleholics@aol.com mailto: gilchuck@aol.com
Success ...:
Our longevity Challenge: Finding volunteers
59.76 mi. |
Macintosh Users Group Serving the Inland Empire
Represented by: * John Schreck, President * Bob Saber, Webmaster
Streeter and Sierra St. Janet Goeske Center Riverside, CA 92506 (___) ___-____ (909) 683-2493
Since: 1984;
Basic Dues: $20 # of Mbrs: 70; @ Mtngs: 50 Meets: 3rd Tue, 7pm-9pm
http://www.mugsie.org mailto: BJROUMAN@aol.com
Success ...:
Surviving the dark years of Amelio at Apple Challenge: Getting younger
people interested in joining and participating in the group
51.32 mi. |
MacValley User Group
Represented by: * Lynn Lanning, President * Paul Pollock, Webmaster
8956 Vanalden Ave. Northridge, CA
91324 (818) 998-7025
Since: Mar 1985;
Basic Dues: $35 # of Mbrs: 400; @ Mtngs: 150 Meets: 1st Wed, 7:30pm-10pm
http://www.macvalley.org mailto: bob@wgn.net
Success ...:
Our educational program Challenge: Keeping an all-volunteer organization viable
21.49 mi. |
Mushikui Ringo Macintosh User Group
Led by: *
Jay Takahara, Ambassador
1641 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. Gardena, CA
90247 (323) 982-1542
Since: Jan 1992;
Basic Dues: $60 # of Mbrs: 200; @ Mtngs: 35 Meets: 1st & 3rd Sat, 1pm-6pm
http://www.ringo.org mailto: takahara@earthlink.net
Success ...:
Being the largest Japanese language based MUG outside of Japan Challenge:
Finding people who use the Japanese language and the Macintosh
11.73 mi. |
North Orange County Computer Club, Macintosh SIG
Represented by: * John Willner, Leader * Claire Lemire, Ambassador
Chapman University, Science
Bldg., Rm.306 Chapman U., Wilkinson
Hall, Rm.203 Box 3616 Orange, CA 92857 (714) 423-0202 x26613
Since: Apr 1976;
Basic Dues: $30 # of Mbrs: 300; @ Mtngs: 25 Meets: 1st Sun, 2:30pm-4pm Meets: 1st Sun, 11:15am-12:30pm
http//www.noccc.org/sigs/mac mailto: willner@earthlink.net
Success ...:
Helping users Challenge: Helping users
28.73 mi. |
The Orange Apple Computer Club
Represented by: * Steven Spiegel, President * Jeannine Englehart,
Board Member
2701 Fairview Rd. Chemistry Building Costa Mesa, CA 92656 (949) 770-1865
Since: Apr 1981;
Basic Dues: $45 # of Mbrs: 260; @ Mtngs: 125 Meets: 1st Sat, 8am-1:30pm
http://www.oacc.org mailto: board@oacc.org
Success ...:
Publishing a CD of the Month since 1998 Challenge: Getting new members
32.69 mi. |
Park Newport Computer Club
Led by: *
Keith Mueller, President
Park Newport Clubhouse 1 Park Newport Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 721-9280
Since: Sep 1999;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 200; @ Mtngs: 60 Meets: 3rd Thu, 7pm
http://parknewport.net/computerclub.html mailto: computerclub@parknewport.net
Success ...:
Being part of the Southern California MacFair 2002 Challenge: None
36.11 mi. |
QMUG/LA, the Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Macintosh Users Group
for All of Los Angeles
Represented by: * Doan Stafford, Co-Chair * Martina Wilson, Female
Co-Chair * Bonnie DeWidt, Membership Chair *
Neal Velgos, Advertising Chair
6150 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA
90038 (323) 222-7684
Since: June 1994;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 220; @ Mtngs: 25 Meets: 2nd Mon, 7pm-9pm
http://www.qmug.org mailto: QMUGLA@aol.com
Success ...:
Our website Challenge: Filling vacant officer positions
5.31 mi. |