Here is a page of resources you may want to save to your HD, update specifically for your group, and make available to your groups fellow officers, especially your new officers.
Important Pages1. and /usergroups/FAQs
The 4 min. req. are: 3 leader contacts, a group e-mail address and website, and a history of successful meetings2. /usergroups/find and /usergroups/admin (login is ___; password is ___)
E-mail if you need to reset your groups login and password3. and
Macworld, UG University, and UG Breakfast pre-reg info, login, vender offers, etc.4. (login is ___; password is ___)
E-mail if you need to reset your groups login and password5. and User Group Report
The MUG Center is a very good resource for common user group challenges6. Your groups FAQs
Maybe your group has a FAQs or a benefits document, Who are you and why should someone join?7. Your groups e-mail address (login is ___; password is ___ )
At AOL, Earthlink, or Yahoo!, your groups e-mail can be read, responded to and initiated via your browser8. Your groups Sign-in Sheet, or Brochure, etc.
Maybe your groups sign-in sheet, brochure, etc., is online as HTML, one big gif/jpg, PDF, etc.9. Your groups Current Cashbox and Recurring Expenses
Maybe an idea of your groups current cashbox and recurring expenses is online10. Yahoo! Groups/usergroups
Maybe your group could benefit from a mailing list, like one from Yahoo! Groups
Important People: Specific names, direct e-mail address, and direct phone numbers (even cell phones)1. Garr Reynolds, Apple User Group Program Manager
(408) 996-1010 <>2. Jed Mark, AUGP Regional Liaison
(925) 938-4544 <>3. Your Fellow Officers
(___) ___-____ <>4. Your Meeting Place and Mailing Address Location
(___) ___-____ <>5. Everyone else: Other MUGs, 3rd-Party Vendors, Local CompUSAs, Apple Stores
(___) ___-____ <>
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