Meeting Location & Phone |
Contact Information |
Distance |
Hi Desert Apple Computer Club
Represented by: * Aberta Draves, Webmaster * Robert Draves, Board
Linda Verde School 44924 5th Street East Lancaster, CA 93535 (661) 942-0940
Since: 1980;
Basic Dues: $10 # of Mbrs: 45; @ Mtngs: 15 Meets: 2nd Sat, 9am-11am
http://www.hidacc.av.org mailto: dougc@qnet.com
Success ...:
Helping new Macintosh computer owners Challenge: Converting folks to Mac OS
45.18 mi. |
Hughes & Raytheon Macintosh User Group
Represented by: * Dennis Kane, President * Paul McKinney, Meeting
Logistics Officer
111 W. Mariposa Ave. El Segundo, CA
90245 (310) 334-7661 (310) 647-9477
Since: June 1984;
Basic Dues: $12 # of Mbrs: 150; @ Mtngs: 20 Meets: 3rd Wed, 6pm-8:30pm
http://www.machacers.org mailto: denniskane@hotmail.com
Success ...:
Our Yahoo! Group Challenge: Our meeting content and attendance
13.30 mi. |
LA Area 4D User Group
Represented by: * Eric Johansen; Co-founder * Liz Delgado; Co-founder
Smoking Gun Software 234 East Foothill Blvd. Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 794-8100 (626) 357-3906
Since: Sept 1999;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 50; @ Mtngs: 10 Meets: 3rd Sat, 9:30am-12:30pm
http://www.smokinggun.net/LA4DUG.htm http://www.lizeric.com/LA4DUG.html mailto: LA4DUG@offkey.com mailto: LA4DUG@lizeric.com
Success ...:
Our continued existence Challenge: Our continued existence
14.27 mi. |
Leisure World Macintosh Users Group (CA)
Represented by: * Charles Clark, President * Louise Dawson, Ambassador * Anne Clark,
Secretary * Gloria Massin, Programs * Murray Massin, Programs
Clubhouse #1 Calle Aragon Laguna
Woods, CA 92653 (949) 215-9707
Since: 1984;
Basic Dues: $15 # of Mbrs: 400; @ Mtngs: 100 Meets: 2nd Thu, 6pm-8:30pm
http://www.lwmug.org mailto: yesyoucan@mac.com
Success ...:
Having a fabulous Learning Center Challenge: Increasing membership
43.97 mi. |
Long Beach MacGraphics Group
Represented by: * Roger Kroll, Leader
2625 Josie Avenue Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 433-9818
Since: Sept 1992;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 200; @ Mtngs: 35 Meets: 1st Thu, 7pm-9:30pm
http://www.wocmug.org http://orchidgraphics.com/media/lbmg.html mailto: lbmg@mac.com
Success ...:
Having really good monthly meetings Challenge: Getting more people to know
we exist
18.92 mi. |
Los Angeles Palm/Portable User Group
Led by: *
Phil Goodman, President * Ben Levy, Vice President
____________________ (4235 Rosewood Ave) Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 470-2998
Since: Feb 1992;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 210; @ Mtngs: 50 Meets: varies
http://www.lapug.com mailto: info@lapug.com
Success ...:
Still being active w/ no fees Challenge: Finding time for preparation
of topics
10.86 mi. |
Mac Art & Design
Represented by: * Scott Stulberg, Leader
2401 Colorado Blvd. Santa
Monica, CA 90404 (310) 337-2791 (310) 479-7843
Since: 1995;
Basic Dues: None # of Mbrs: 200; @ Mtngs: 35 Meets: varies
http://www.madug.com mailto: eatery@mediaone.net mailto: scott@asa100.com
Success ...:
Having great vendor presentations Challenge: Finding a great meeting place
13.25 mi. |
Mac Users Group at UCI
Led by: *
____, ____
UC Irvine Student Center Monarch Bay B Irvine, CA 92612 (714) 925-6962
Since: _year_;
Basic Dues: ___ # of Mbrs: ___; @ Mtngs: ___ Meets: Every Mon, 5:30pm-7pm
http://imug.infectme.com mailto: jjwhite@uci.edu
Success ...:
___ Challenge: ___
36.67 mi. |